
Why Do Window Wells Need Waterproofing?

Why Do Window Wells Need Waterproofing?

If you have window wells for your basement windows, you should consider window well waterproofing. Why do window wells need waterproofing? Let’s take a look.

Window Wells and Basement Leaks

People who have basement windows in window wells are much more likely to experience basement leaks. Because window wells are below ground level, any time it rains, water can collect there. Therefore, the strength of your basement window seals is constantly being tested.

Not only can rain collect in window wells, ground water can as well. This is why window wells need waterproofing. Even if it hasn’t rained in months, if there’s snow on the ground, snow melt can seep into the soil and end up pooling in your window wells.

When your basement windows leak, the moisture can cause mold, attract pests, or even damage your foundation.

Window Wells and Basement Flooding

While basement leaks are bad enough, window wells without waterproofing can cause basement flooding as well. A bit of water coming in along the edges of your basement window is common. However, that’s not where the threat ends. If your window seal eventually gives out entirely, a heavy rain or substantial snow melt can end up flooding your basement. You wouldn’t leave your bedroom window open during a torrential downpour, right? For the same reason, this is why window wells need waterproofing. 

Without a working seal, you could wake up to find your entire basement filled with multiple inches of rainwater. This could cost you thousands of dollars in damages to your flooring, furniture, and more. Plus, that’s not to mention the amount of damage that could be caused by mold growth if not cleaned up perfectly.

Why Do Window Wells Need Waterproofing?

Why do window wells need waterproofing? The answer is simple: basement windows are not made to withstand constant pressure from outdoor water. Window wells are a water collection site and, therefore, need a drain to properly redirect that water away from your home. 

Prevent Damage to Your Home

When you invest in window well waterproofing, you’re investing in the safety and longevity of your home. The process is simple. We dig out the base of your window wells and add a drain. A grate will allow you to cover the drain with gravel. Then, when it rains, water will collect in the drain and be redirected away from the house. This is done by installing a drain pipe that leads about 20-30 feet away from your home. It is also slanted downward. Therefore, when water is redirected, it won’t be able to run back toward the house. It will soak into the ground below the level of your foundation. This also minimizes any potential foundational damage that could be caused by ground water.

If you have questions about the window well waterproofing process, call us at POM Waterproofing. We look forward to clearing up any questions you have.