
How To Repair Foundation Cracks From The Outside?

Over the years of use of a private home, certain defects can occur. One of the most common problems is cracks in the foundation. To cope with this problem, you need to know how to fix cracks in the foundation on the outside properly and who you should turn to for this task.

What causes foundation cracks from the outside?

Crack-in foundation wall outside comes in a variety of ways. Experts divide cracks into structural and nonstructural. The former threatens the integrity of the entire house. They can be caused by:

  • Expansive soil type. If the foundation is in soil that contains a lot of clay, then this soil is called expansive soil. As a result of moisture absorption, the soil swells; after it dries, on the contrary, it shrinks. Because of the swelling and increased pressure, the foundation of the building may be covered with cracks. And after compression, the walls will begin to unclench, which provokes the expansion of damage. This kind of movement will occur every time the weather changes.
  • Hydrostatic pressure. Poor waterproofing of foundation walls outside and lack of drainage system to collect runoff moisture leads to the fact that water begins to accumulate near the base of the building. As a result, pressure is formed on the walls, which provokes cracks.
  • Swelling as a result of exposure to low temperatures. When the ground freezes, it can cause the earth to rise and the pressure from the walls to be relieved, but in the future, the ground volume will decrease again when thawing. Also, the ground may increase in volume, increasing pressure on the walls. These movements provoke cracking.
  • Differential settlement. After the construction of a building, it will certainly settle. Most often this happens evenly. But it can also happen that a differential shrinkage occurs – parts of the house sink into the soil differently on each side. It can result in the warping of the walls, flooring, and cracks in the foundation.
  • Lateral pressure. If you place heavy objects in the ground next to the house’s foundation, the excess weight will cause the soil to press heavily against the walls and create increased pressure.
  • Other factors. Cavities under the structure, poor soil, and insufficient soil compaction can lead to cracks.

Nonstructural cracks can occur if a waterproofing a foundation exterior wall is not sealed correctly. These defects do not affect the structural integrity of the entire building. They are provoked by:

  • Aging. Natural processes cause cracks in the foundation. Often these effects are less than 1/10 of an inch wide. If the crack is growing, you should think about caulking it.
  • Concrete shrinkage. As a result of the concrete drying out too quickly, micro-cracks form on the surface.

These defects can often be found near windows, in corners, and under 2-tab beams.

Properly inspect outside foundation cracks

Before fixing exterior foundation cracks, the foundation of the building must be inspected. A thorough inspection will allow you to plan the work properly, calculate the cost and avoid surprises. Internal ones can provoke external cracks. A detailed inspection also involves assessing the condition of the interior foundation. With the help of the inspection will be able to determine the appropriate type of repair.

It should also be determined whether the crack in the foundation is deep or superficial. To this end, it is necessary to remove a small patch from the outer crack of the foundation. This way, you will be able to check whether only the plaster is cracked or the entire wall underneath is cracked.

Fixing Foundation Cracks From the Outside: How to Patch Minor Cracks

Properly fixing foundation cracks from the outside is a must, as ignoring this process can lead to more significant problems if you leave the crack as it is. Real estate is a considerable investment. It should be taken care of if you don’t want to lose your investment.

If there are micro-cracks outside, you can try fixing foundation wall cracks from the outside yourself. This process involves several steps:

  1. inspection of the base of the building;
  2. preparation of the crack for repair;
  3. direct sealing of the defect;
  4. seal exterior foundation cracks.

Changes in humidity can lead to the appearance of shrinkage cracks. Only those tiny cracks that do not affect the structural integrity of the entire house should be sealed. It would be best if you did not leave them unattended because these defects can grow over time. If the foundation has a crack, you should regularly check it for expansion. Vertical and horizontal cracks can cause severe problems with the house. The same applies to diagonal defects that start at the corner of the walls and run through the entire structure plane.

Structural cracks can provoke basement flooding. It is also a terrible consequence. To avoid dampness and severe deterioration, the crack must be repaired promptly.

What Are The Supplies You’ll Need to Repair Cracked Foundation Outside?

Professional and quality exterior foundation crack repair requires specific knowledge, skills, and experience. If you want to solve the problem on your own, but even for fixing a small crack, you need to buy a complete set of materials and tools. In particular, for the repair, you will need:

  • a respirator;
  • hammer;
  • cement mixture;
  • assembly gun;
  • trowel;
  • repair compound.

Repairing small cracks in the foundation is an excellent option if you want to restore the integrity of the foundation of the structure yourself. On your own, it is best to solve not too serious problems. For example, hairline cracks in the joints of concrete mortar. This set of tools can even be used to seal cracks in drywall sheets.

But, if you have more severe defects, it is best to contact a company of real professionals. They will competently assess the problem’s essence, examine the house and offer the best way to eliminate the defect. If this problem is left unattended, it will lead to more significant issues in the future and more costs to fix.

When to Repair Foundation Cracks Yourself-And When to Call in the Pros

Even if you know how to repair crack foundation cracks outside, that doesn’t mean you should do it yourself. In some situations, you may be able to fix the defect yourself, but in exceptional cases, you need to have it done professionally. In particular, this applies to cracks in the foundation. This problem is best entrusted to real professionals. Otherwise, fixing it yourself can only lead to new situations.

The repair team will help with a variety of situations:

  • Hanging slab piles needing beams and supports;
  • raising a structure;
  • repairing cracks in the foundation, and more.

If your home has a crack in the foundation outside and you don’t know what to do about it, then contact our experts. A team of experts will inspect your home, identify the problem, and suggest the best solution.