
Leaking basement windows: how to solve – top 3 ways

Leaking basement windows: how to solve - top 3 ways

The main task of a basement window is to let the right amount of natural daylight into the basement room. Even in the absence of electricity, with the help of a small window inside the basement will get enough light to find the switch and orient yourself in the space. Unfortunately, most basement windows lose their performance over time. First of all, the window becomes dirty, rusty and dark. Its primary function of providing light is lost. Over time, you may notice basement egress window leaking – this is the main problem, which can provoke increased humidity in the room, dampness, mould and other problems. If your basement window is leaking, you should first ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Water leaking through the corners of window openings. Basement window waterproofing is a problem if water leaks through the corners and edges of the window opening. In this situation, the problem may also be in the cones themselves. Wooden or steel windows, overtime use, can rot, rust or deteriorate in any other way, causing water to leak into the basement room.
  2. What condition is your drainage system in, and if it is in principle? A basement is not a submarine that should be completely submerged in water. You can only partially insulate a window from water, mainly if the soil around the house is pretty bad or the drainage needs to be arranged correctly. In this situation, you need to minimize hydrostatic pressure that occurs naturally due to groundwater on the property. 
  3. You have an old or unsealed well in your basement. Old classic window wells were created so that the maximum amount of natural daylight would enter the basement. When left open, dirt, leaves and other debris actively clog up here over time. Groundwater, water from natural precipitation, gradually accumulates in the well, and over time it can easily penetrate inside the basement room.

In any situation, if you are faced with this problem, it is solvable. The main thing – is to know how to fix the leak properly. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the following material.

How to solve the problem of leaking windows in the basement

If the egress window waterproofing is broken, you should take your time with the solution to the presented problem. It can be solved in several practical ways. To eliminate permanent leaks, you should consider the following options. 

No. 1: Drainage tanks

To help water escape from the room, you can use basement egress window drainage – in this situation. You need to install drainage tanks at the bottom of the basement wall. It is a reasonably simple way to solve the problem presented. In a traditional window well, the tank is often mounted in the middle, while it should be sloped toward the house itself. The standard dimensions of a good tank are 3 feet long, 12 inches in diameter and about 12 inches deep.  After the corrugated metal well or any other material is placed in its place, the tank should be filled with washed stone. The bottom of the window should then be thoroughly covered with gravel – the layer should be about 6 to 8 inches. While laying the gravel on the bottom of the well, it is worth taking care that the layer is low. It is worth creating sufficient space between the bottom of the excellent sill and the outer trim layer.

No. 2: Installing a drainage tile system

If you already have a gutter tile installed, you can tie the basement window to the existing system. In this situation, you need to make a hole of sufficient diameter in the hollow core of the block foundation. After that, it is worth placing an appropriate small tube, on the end of which there is a shielded cap. With the help of this technique, it will be possible to make the water go directly to the hollow core of the block foundation, from where it will already go to the drain tile. Next comes the turn of the drain pump operation.

No. 3: Sump basket

This method is also quite entitled to live, but it is the least efficient option. , if you are interested in it, in this situation, you need to put a small sump basket right at the bottom of the basement window or inside the room itself at the base of the building. The main benefit of an external pump can be seen in the warm season, while with the onset of cold weather, you need to remove the pipe. If this is not done, the problems can be more significant.

How to properly deal with the tips

Waterproofing window wells require separate attention. If you want to do it right, several practical solutions must be considered. It is worth considering the following points to ensure that your window is 100% impervious to moisture. 

Gutters and downspouts

Before you perform any manipulation, it is worth checking the condition of the gutters and downspouts. Periodic maintenance is a simple and effective way to keep your basement in good condition. But many people ignore this process. If your basement is getting damp, or if there is water dripping from a gutter only a few feet from the base, it is worth making it a little longer, and it is also worth cleaning it of contaminants. 


An improperly graded yard layout often provokes a leaking basement window. If the slope of your property leaks toward your home, homeowners may have significant water drainage problems. A landscaper can help solve this problem by reviewing your lot and suggesting the best way to redesign the area. In some situations, planting various plants on the property that will take in water may be enough.

Soil Maintenance

Suppose heavy clay soil is located around your foundation. In that case, it will provoke the accumulation of a massive amount of water, which cannot be said about sandy soil, where water dissipates much faster. For clay soil, a drain-and-tile system or a sump basket is best.


It would be best if you didn’t ignore the basement windows leaking. You will want to address this problem at some point, as many negative situations in the house arise from a leaky basement, dampness and high humidity. In this case, you should take care of the condition of the room and turn to real professionals who will help solve the leak and adequately waterproof the basement window opening.